A Candle that never goes out!Light your Perpetual Virtual Candle! |
Whenever you need a grace, this Candle will be burning for you and your intentions!
We never know when we will go through a difficult time in our lives. But we can be sure that, whatever our needs are, Our Lady will always be watching over us. This is even more so if we back our requests with a Candle lit in our intentions.
Do not fail to light your Perpetual Virtual Candle at the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal, asking Our Lady of Grace to bless all your steps and meet your needs.
You can also light a Candle in the intentions of a relative, friend or acquaintance.
In order to be able to cover the expenses of this apostolate -- Mass stipends, donations to the convents of contemplative nuns who pray for your intentions and administrative expenses-- we ask for a contribution of 10 Euros per month.
To learn how to light your Perpetual Candle, simply call 0043 1 504 69 64 24 and speak with Mr. Carl Schaffer. Nothing could be easier.
>>>> I want to access my(mine) Perpetual Candle(s).

If you accept this invitation, you will receive the following benefits:
- 1) Exclusive access to the book of intentions, “Mother of God, Heed My Requests” to include your intentions.
- 2) A Mass will be celebrated daily for you and your intentions during the whole period that your Candle remains lit.
- 3) The Community of Prayer of the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal (i.e. those who have a lit Candle) will be offering their prayers, good works and sacrifices for you and your intentions.
- 4) In addition, nine convents of contemplative nuns will be praying for your intentions.
- 5) A Miraculous Medal (size 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm), already blessed by a priest will be mailed to you along with a novena that you can pray for your intentions.
Here's how you can light your Perpetual Candle.
You can light your Perpetual virtual Candle by phone.
Call 0043 1 504 69 64 24 and speak with Mr. Carl Schaffer now. He will give you the info you need to light your Candle (or one for a friend, relative or acquaintance).
Mr. Carl Schaffer can speak to you in English, German, French, Spanish or Portuguese.
Mr. Carl Schaffer is available from Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 15:30 to 18:00 hours Central European Time - UTC / GMT +1 or +2 for Summer Time.
Light your Perpetual Candle and open your heart to the blessings that Our Lady has reserved for you.
I want to access my(mine) Perpetual Candle(s).
To access your Perpetual Candle(s) at the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal, simply fill out the fields below: