Oratorium Cudownego Medalika

56893 Total of Candles until now  
435 Burning at the moment  
306 Candles forever  

A candle that never extinguishes!

Light your permanent virtual candle


Whenever you need a grace, this candle will be burning for you

We never know when we will go through a difficult time in our lives. But we can be sure that, no matter what our needs are, Our Lady will always be looking out for us. This is even more so as we reinforce our requests with a candle lit in our intentions.

So make sure to light your permanent virtual candle at the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal, asking Our Lady of Grace to bless all your steps and meet your needs.

You can also light a candle for the intentions of a friend, a relative or an acquantaince of yours.

We request a monthly donation to support this apostolate in order to light a perpetual candle. The amount we request is 10 Euro for each candle you light.

Simply call 0043 1 504 69 64 24 and speak to Ms. Babitsch to find out how to light your candle. That's it.

>>>> I want to access my permanent candle(s)

If you accept this invitation, you will receive:

  • 1) Exclusive access to include your intentions in the Book of Prayers, “Mother of God, Heed My Requests”.
  • 2) As long as your perpetual candle burns, a Mass for you and your intentions will be celebrated daily.
  • 3) In addition, the Community of Prayer of the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal (all those who currently have a lit candle) will be praying for the requests that you register there.
  • 4) Nine convents of contemplative nuns will be continually praying for your intentions.
  • 5) A Miraculous Medal (size 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm), already blessed by a priest will be sent to you by mail along with a copy of the printed Novena that you can use to pray for your intentions.

How can I light my perpetual candle

Currently you can set up a perpetual candle by telephone.

Call 0043 1 504 69 64 24 and talk to Ms. Babitsch right now. She will give you the informations you need for making a monthly donation to our apostolate, and the instructions to light your candle (or even a candle for a friend, a relative or an acquaintance of yours).

Ms. Babitsch can talk with you in English, German or French.

Ms. Babitsch is available from Monday to Tuesday, starting at 9:00 am until 6:00 PM, middle-european time.

Light your permanent candle and open your heart to the blessings that Our Lady has reserved for you.

I want to access my permanent candle(s)

To access your permanent candle(s) at the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal, just fill out the form below:

E-mail address:

I forgot my password

Privacy Policy

At the Oratory of the Miraculous Medal you can register and write your intentions to Our Lady of Grace with complete security and confidentiality. Your information is protected and kept confidential and will not be provided to third parties or published in any circumstances.