Oratory of the Miraculous Medal

56893 Total of Candles until now  
435 Burning at the moment  
306 Candles forever  


Every day we go through situations in which we feel the help and protection of God and of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We thus grow in faith and confidence.

Testimonies above are by persons who have placed their lives in the hands of God and who have felt the power of faith.

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Name: reshmi


Thank for the prayer and i got my dataflow and evaluation

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Name: reshmi


I recieved my dataflow certificate through miraculous of medal

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Name: karen mkk


We were having a not too good season(&(bad day)& was crying &me &daughter were upset about stuff&we received a free blessed trip to a tropical island cruise,vacatio

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Name: Renae


This past November 2015, my best friend for the past 12 years/husband for 6 years came back from his first year long military deployment, completely moved out of our house, filed for divorce without any closure/explanation, and zero communication. I was served divorce papers in December at work. Early March 2016, in court my husband's attorney told the judge that he has moved on and is in another relationship even though we were still married. The judge denied my request for marriage counseling. As of March 17, 2016, I received the worst email in my life, that we were officially legally divorced in our home state. As of April 14, David officially posted on media he's in another relationship and posted pictures of him with his new girlfriend together during his deployment while we were still married. As of June 26 2016, my husband got engaged to his girlfriend. This month would have been our seven years of marriage and actually, we started dating back in 2004 in high school.  My heart is broken and I still pray God will reconcile us as impossible as it seems. I feel so rejected, hurt, and hopeless. I'm discouraged... I will forever remain faithful to David and I'll never give up, as love never loses hope, is always patient, and never fails. Please pray for God to show us the way back to each other. “For the unbelieving husband is made holy through his wife...” (1Corn.7:14). Dear Heavenly Father,  Please hear my hopeful childlike prayers and have mercy on us, if it be Your glory and Your Holy will... I beg and ask all the Holy Saints, Apostles, Martyrs, Servants of God, Blessed’s, Venerable’s, Holy Angels, Holy Souls in Purgatory, and our Blessed Mother Mary to be intercessors in prayer for me and our marriage and bring my loving tearful prayers to Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Into Your hands Lord, I fully commend myself, David, our marriage, minds, bodies, souls, spirits, sufferings, and our hearts to You Lord to do with as You please since David and I are no longer two but one Guide David and I to repent to You, turning away from all sinful lifestyles, thoughts, people/influences, and actions. Father, please allow David to see himself as You see him and create in him a hungry desire to come back and be able to receive Your loving grace and know nothing is unforgivable to You Sprinkle Your clean water on David, I, our marriage, and our families and wash us clean Be a wall of fire and a Divine Seal of Protection around David, I, our marriage, and our families Be a Divine influence like You did Hosea’s wife (Hos 2:6-7), Block David’s path with thornbushes, wall him in so he cannot find his way that leads him away from You, me, and our marriage. When David chases his lovers and sinful lifestyle he will not catch them and will not find satisfaction, happiness, or peace until he returns to You and our marriage Holy Spirit dwell, move, and flow inside David, I, our marriage, families, and friends. Help David to be willing, teachable, and obedient to You Help David and I to daily wear the full Armor of God (Gird our loins with truth, Put on the Breastplate of Righteousness, Shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, Take up the Shield of Faith, Put on the Helmet of Salvation, and Take up the Sword of the Spirit) to stand firm and walk in Your faith and victory Open the eyes of Davids' heart and let the light of Your Truth flood in; Speak to David and I loudly and clearly: Open our minds, body, souls, spirits, ears, and eyes to be open to Your truth; Cure David and I of any spiritual blindness and deafness Guide and direct mine and David’s steps and position us to where You want us to be: Help David not to rely on poor unGodly advice and that the novelty of his current lifestyle wears off quickly Touch/Heal mine, David’s, and our families hearts with Your love, grace, and mercy so that we can be born again with a new faith/love and a new heart that hates evil; Create in David, I, and our marriage a clean pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast, faithful, and loyal spirit within us Examine and control mine and David’s hearts, spirits, tongues, emotions, actions, and feelings daily Holy Spirit grant and increase in David and I the power of wisdom, integrity, strength, courage, grace, and perseverance to be able to start to change the areas that need to be changed and to survive and surpass this trial/suffering in our marriage. Help David and I to love You obediently no matter what Send a Heavenly messenger or mortal Christian disciple to influence David to repent and to see/hear Your voice of reason/truth, to help David realize something is wrong, and that he needs to return to You. Please let nothing block/stop David from repenting and turning back to You and me Teach David and I to love You 1st, 2nd each other unconditionally and always remain faithful to our vows Help David and I to ALWAYS be a "Friend of God" who fears and glorifies You, respects, accepts, obeys, fulfills, and surrenders daily to Your Holy will Help David and I to mature in You and mold us to be Your disciples; Mold me to be the wife You need me to be for David and mold David to be the husband You need him to be for me Help David and I NOT to lean on our own understandings and to be wise enough to see and know the devil’s lies Remove mine and David’s heart of stone and give us a new heart of flesh; Heal our broken hearts, bind our wounds from pain and sorrow, and remove all negative memories, actions, and words from the past; Knock down and destroy the walls of silence, pride, lust, guilt, and anger; Open the doors to love, forgiveness, communication, marriage reconciliation/restoration Remove everything from David, I, and our marriage that is NOT of You and Your will; Deliver our marriage, David, and I from Satan’s stronghold and influence I wholeheartedly forgive ALL who have hurt/injured us in the past, and I mercifully ask for pardon from all whom I have hurt. In the name of Jesus, I command, bind, and rebuke all bitterness, hate, rage, anger, hurt, hostility, grudges, slander, envy, jealously, malice, impurity, lust, fantasy, greed, guilt, shame, selfishness, lies, pride, unfaithfulness, stubbornness, unbelief, doubt, revenge, rebellion, punishment, addictions, PTSD, depression, bipolar, anxiety, fear, worries, hopelessness, Satan, all diabolic infestations/oppressions, sinful desires/temptations, harmful friendships, and negative internal and external mortal influences to LEAVE David, I, our marriage, homes, and family forever! In the name of Jesus, I command, bind, and rebuke our divorce, separation/division, silence, curses, and Satan to LEAVE us and our marriage forever! Please quickly guide Your lost Prodigal son David back to You, me, our marriage, and our home Fill and cover David, I, our marriage, and families with the Protection of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; increase in us unending love, forgiveness, compassion, patience, wisdom, strength, courage, kindness, fortitude, understanding, piety, meekness, integrity, good counsel, humility, chastity, perseverance, self-control, clarity, joy, grace, peace, faith, hope, trust, and mercy Flood Davids mind with all our good times, happy memories/moments, loving words, and sacred vows we made to You and each other and allow him to forget the bad, pain, hurt, guilt, and shame Please reconcile, restore, renew, and rebuild our marriage with YOU and each other on the solid rock of Jesus Christ Thank You Heavenly Father for Your trust and the promises of Your Word. Thank You Father for Your boundless, enduring love that has power to change and transform us to be like You. Thank You Selfless Father for pouring Your love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Thank You God for the privilege of blessing me with the opportunity and grace to obey You and our marriage vows. Thank You my Only God, my first love, in advance, for rebuilding and reconciling our marriage, changing our hearts, and bringing David back to You, the Catholic Church, and our home. I love you! It is in Jesus name I pray with unending thanks, Amen. I miss David very much. Please pray David will quickly come home so we can start our restored marriage and start a family. Please pray God will touch/heal his heart and save him. Will you please pray with me to save our marriage? Thank you and God Bless, Renae This Monday, July 18th would have been our 7 years of marriage. 

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Name: Patricia


The Blessed Mother has been like a real mother to me. When my own mother died, I will never forget when I woke up a few days later, bewildered and upset that she was gone, and our radio came on, which was programmed to wake us up, and it started to change stations all be itself, and then it settled on the Beatles song "Let it Be". I was struck particularly at the part of the song that says, "Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be." I began to feel the presence of the Blessed Mother in my life and I became devoted to saying the rosary, especially when my beloved grandson died and I was in deep grief and the only comfort I would feel was when I prayed the rosary. The rosary gave me great joy and consolation and enabled me to find peace and rest. Then I started to wear the miraculous metal for many years. Then I stopped wearing the metal for about a week and strangely my skin on my chest got itchy and irritated. When I put it back on, my skin felt normal. Almost like a miracle. I feel as though maybe I am supposed to keep wearing it. Thank you, dear Mary, for being our Mother.

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Name: karen kkk


Me&my daughter(especially my daughter)were going through a hard time..well i entered our name in contest to win tropical cruise;using medal;she won!!xxooMary!

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Name: Oksana


Dear Queen, my Mother and Hope! I'm asking you for Ruslan's desire to turned back to Oksana and the pure love between us, wich will lead us to a happy family life.

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Name: Arlene Obalan


Lord, Thank you for the Blessing!!! I lit a candle three days ago and we received the blessing today :) really God you are awesome. Thank you for everything. I really dont know how can I express my gratitude to you.

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Name: ZENIA Rodericks


I read in one of the articles here to ask the help of mama Mary whenever you need help and to ask for her graces. I say that rosary daily and recited the perpetual novena of the miraculous medal. I also recited the memorare 9 times so that the urgency of my need of grace will be answered. My requests were answered. The people that I need to ask financial help replied and sent me help. Thus I never worry but just trust the lord and his mother to grant us our request .

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Name: Tyrone Rodericks


The doctor told me for the second time that my other toe had to be amputated due to a gangrene. But I told him that I have not decided to do it sooner as I have to give prayer a chance. Another reason is that we don't have financial capacity. I always prayed fervently the rosary and the chaplet of divine mercy and asked the blessed mother and our lord Jesus to spare my toe from amputation. My prayer is granted by God and our recitations of the rosary and the chaplet. Thank you lord Jesus and mama Mary.

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Name: ephrance kisakye


my friend racheal was lost for 3 days bt i prayed this novena 9 times in a row and told mother teresa that i needed my friend be4 the third day ends and 10 minutes before midnight my friend was found thank u God ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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Name: Ainez


My mama Mary is always there to help us when we have problems of financial difficulties . One way or another she sends help whether material or money given by people. I wear th miraculous medal all the time and I feel the warmth of her presence and help abundantly comes.

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Name: Carly


I just wanted to say that my prayers have been answered. I had some legal issue going on for the past seven months and on February 3, 2016, it came to an end. I prayed for several months and final I can breathe a whole lot better. The stress and worries are gone and GOD is good. Thank you for writing to me and letting me know that you were praying for me and that meant a lot to me. GOD bless you. I need another prayer to come through and it involves a certain account being removed from my credit report. I have a two year old son and I have to get my credit scores up in order for me to be able to get a better job, a car and a house one day for my son and me. I gotta live for him and provide for him. Thank you.

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Name: Fred


Good Evening,My name is Fred. It`s Monday Febuary 1st,2016 8:43 pm at the time of this prayer request. I`m living a motel. I so much am in need of a life start over miracle, you would find it unbelievable if I shared every thing.I have a brother living in a nurshing home that can`t walk or talk. I so much want to be able to work again and buy a nice home for us for his final years. i haven`t eaten a decent meal in weeks.I truly hope and pray for complete restoration of my life ,career ,well being and the opportunity to start over and be the Man God created me to be. When I made money I literally helped people pay mortgages and more,those same people have turn against me. I humbly and very seriously Ask Yoy All, to help pray me thru Truly, as only you can do.In my emergency moment of my serious emergency need I need miracle producing prayer.this is no joke. Yours Truly ,Fred

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Name: Amritha


Thank you for all the blessings till now...

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Name: Final defense


Im a graduating student, i prayed unto her for my defense in thesis. She answered my prayers and we delivered and defended our thesis very well

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Name: Rita


Thank you Dear Jesus and Mother Mary for restoring my dog Sandy to health I am truly grateful I love her. Thank you in advance also for our financial blessing from above so we can pay our mortgage up and save our home . Thank you also for the blessing of a new healthy grandchild. Thank you that we are going to have a beautiful blessed and wonderful christmas for our children.O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen. and it is so.

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Name: Anusha Moodley


Thank you Maria for Aunt Vigee receiving cofirmation for new home

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Name: Catherine Low


We have our petition answered. My son who had a growth and a successful surgery and the tumour tested benign. Thanks for God's graces, love and care during the difficult time and we felt so blessed to have our Mother Mary's prayer and great love for Her children here. We are most grateful. In Jesus name, we pray, amen.

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Name: Anusha


Thank you Mother for the graces received. My ASCE paper got accepted for publication. I thank for the blessing and the graces received. Thank you Mother. Tahnk you Jesus.

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Name: Anusha Moodley


Thank you Mamma Maria for answered prayers. Our car insurance claim was finally validated although there were odds against us. Thrugh Mamma's prayers and our Lords grace we had come through. My son Mark has been off marijuana for two months. God Bless

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Name: The Problem Child


When I was a baby, not even a month old, terror struck. My lung collapsed. I obviously couldn't pray, or even recounter the experience for you but I can tell you that everyone thought I was going to die. The doctors gave up, and baisically just gave me what i needed to keep on living. Oxygen, nutriets. The bare minimum. My parents prayed. Everyone prayed for me. I even got Baptised in the hospital. Then, miraculously, I survived and got better. the doctors said it was because I was so fat, but I knew better...

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Name: The Problem Child


When I was a baby, not even a month old, terror struck. My lung collapsed. I obviously couldn't pray, or even recounter the experience for you but I can tell you that everyone thought I was going to die. The doctors gave up, and baisically just gave me what i needed to keep on living. Oxygen, nutriets. The bare minimum. My parents prayed. Everyone prayed for me. I even got Baptised in the hospital. Then, miraculously, I survived and got better. the doctors said it was because I was so fat, but I knew better...

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Name: Marilou Palma


I think when i wear the miraculous medal, and lighting a candle for 5 days my prayer to work has been granted they call me to sign my contract and report to the office on 16 Feb. 2014, then regarding my finances it was also granted. Actually even the candle is only 5 i continue it until be completed for 30 candles, so pray request be granted. Thank you so.

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Name: stella


I bought my miraculous medal along time back may be a year or a year and a half back after reading about it and the miracles people were receiving by wearing it. When my medal arrived because i had ordered it online, the size of the chain holding it around my neck was too big and so i opted not to were it around my neck but kept it in my car were i store my drivers liscence. Time went by and i totally forgot about the medal. During that period alot hapened and i broke up with my then catholic boyfriend and started dating a new boyfriend who did not like me been asociated with catholic. I had to stop going to catholic mass and gave up praying the rosary. However i did not forget about God. Infact i became more engraved in reading the bible and praying but just not doing things the catholic way. Lat month as i was sleeping on my bed at around 2 pm in the afternoon because i work at night so i only get to sleep during the day, something appeared in my dream. The miraculous medal apeared to me and the words O MARY CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN PRAY FOR US WHO HAVE RECOURSE TO THEE were very vivid and eye capturing. The image of mary was not just an image, but it was active not domant as an image would be. The medal rotated around me twice to make two complete circles with myself in the middle and as the medal varnished away, mother mary waved at me as though she was doing the sign of a blessing which the priests normally do when they are giving the last blessing at the end of the mass. I woke up immediately but the dream was very clear and fresh to my thoughts to an extend that i may never forget it for many years to come. I did not pay much attention to it and assumed that it was just another ordinary dream. The following day, as i was driving back home from work that evening, i was driving on the free way, cars were driving at high speed between 100mph - 120 mph or even more. As i drove towards the exit from the free way, the car that was to the right of me decided to stop exiting and headed back to the free way overtaking me at the stipped triangle that seperates the exit from the freeway, a point were no driver is supposed to even think about overtaking. Death steared at me smilling. I hit my emergency brake but deep in my heart i knew that it was too late to evade the accident. I held my steer wheel and waited for the bang at front of my car and a bang from behing by the cars that were behind mine. Brothers and sister if you are reading this story, you will know that mother mary interceeds to save us from unplanned deaths because my car came to a stop at about an inch from hitting the wrekcless drivers car. I turned my head to check at the rear view mirror and to mt surprise no car was driving behind me. That was the first time to ever see a freeway as busy as the one i was driving on, without a single traffic on it. When i got home, i was trembling and confused, imagining how my life would have ended unexpectedly ut then i remembered the vision of the miraculous medal i had whitnessed in my dream the day before the actual day of my then to have been road accident. And it made sense to me that mother mary had appeared to tell me that the miraculous medal that i had kept in my car, would interceed and prevent the fatal accident from happening. Since then, i have gone back to been a catholic and i always say the miraculous medal noven whenever i can and pray the rosary fro most of the day in a week. The miraculous medal trully brings graces to those who wear it or keep it with them.

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Name: Leena JOseph


A skin problem between my little finger and ring finger was completely healed after praying with the miraculous medal placed on the affected area. "O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee". Thank you Mother Mary

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Thanks dearest Jesus & Mamma for the acknowledgement recd by my younger child from the C authorities...and also thanks for the prolactin levels being under control of my elder child. I know that all healing & blessings come from you Lord. I also thankyou Mamma for your powerful prayers. Continue blessing both my children and my grandchildren. Pray for them Mamma & be their mother always. Amen

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Thanks Jesus and Mother Mary for the good vacation my husband and I recently had. Also thanks in advance for all the blessings that are in store for us and our family...all our sorrows turning into joy...our illhealth turning into good health...our pains turning into gains....our tears turning into laughter....our mourning turning into dancing. For all things are possible with you Lord. Mamma you will always pray for us and be our Mamma. Thanks also for the bonus that i received when i returned from this trip. Alleluia Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma I praise and thank you for being with us from start to finish in our recent vacation. I trust that you will bless all our situations intentions and hearts desires and grant them all for our welfare and good..and for the welfare of our family members and their good. Thanks for our past...thanks for our present...thanks for our future. You will always be with us every moment of our lives caring for us loving us protecting and helping us and being with us as Lord & Master, Mother & Friend. and also using us all for God's glory. We will also see God's glory in our lives in our present and in our future. All our enemies and persecutors will be failed and defeated and disgraced and out from our lives because you are mighty and powerful and nothing is impossible with you Lord Jesus. Mamma you will always pray for us and be our mamma forever. Amen

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Name: Era Johannsen


My husband & I visited his family and friends in Illinois. July 14, 2014 was our longest day for we covered a lot of bases such as meeting friends at the restaurant, visiting family members both living and dead and so me historical places. Since we started at 6 am and heading to our hotel around 9:30 PM. my husband was running 41 mph on a 30 mph. Obviously, he was so tired already. Here comes the police officer pulled us over. I was not scared rather, I started asking my Guardian Angel ( as Padre Pio's suggestion) to communicate the Guardian Angel of the Police Officer just to give us a warning or else that would be a huge problem since we live in a different state. Holding my Miraculous Medal around my neck, I started praying the MEMORARE. As to Mother Teresa suggested to recite the Memorare 9x for emergency cases. After the third, here comes the Police Officer politely said that he is giving us just a WARNING! Thank you so much Mother Mary for rescuing us! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you!!!

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Thankyou dearest Jesus and Mamma Mary for my daughter being granted extension of her work permit and all the other documentations that have to be done. I know you will bless her in all her other yet to be done situations re her stay in that place....and will also bless her with good health, good loving caring understanding practicing catholic/christian life partner, and every blessing keeping her close to you both and using her for God's glory. All things are possible with you Lord Jesus...Mamma Jesus never fails to listen and ober His dearest mom. In Jesus powerful and holy name and thru the powerful intercession of Mamma Mary and all angels and saints I thank the Lord for all our situations intentions hearts desires being blessed for our good and being granted to us soon and for God's glory being seen in everything and we being used for God's glory. Amen

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Name: v


thank you for all the graces received

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Name: Lijo George


I am Lijo George , now at dubai. I was attempting driving test here from past two months. 3 days before I wrote four prayer request here in this site. Ist request was to pass in the final Test of dubai driving license at 24 june 2014 12.30pm. I got passed by your prayers and the intercession of mary, jesus , all saints, archangels. Thanking a lot. Awaiting my second request to happen, my second request is to get a SHORT PERMANENT CONTRACT JOB in a good shipping company with good payment, atleast 5000 usdollar per month. I expects a job contract of 2/3 months job , then 2/3 months leave. If i gets a job like that, then I can have a family life with my wife. Kindly pray for us.

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Thankyou dearest Jesus and Mamma Mary for my little grand-daughter being healed and out of the cast which was put on her left arm and hand bec of the fall she had and the injury that happened. I trust you will always keep her in your care and also keep her older sister in your care and also her mom and godmother in your care. Jesus and Mamma carry them all 4 in your holy and powerful arms and cover them with your precious blood Jesus and with your blue mantle Mamma. Also I trust that you will make very sure that they will be close to you both and they will be blessed in everything and their souls too will be in your care and saved. Thanks Jesus and Mamma for these blessings for all 4 of them Amen.

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Name: Agnes


To all believers and non-believers,I have two children n I love my husband but my parents seems not to love him,I started praying novena for our marriage approval and our parents blessing to St.Joseph,St.Jude,Sacred Heart of Jesus and requested Our Lady for Miraculous Medals as sign,today I came across this words:O Mary who conceived without sin,pray for us who have recourse to Thee,I didn't expect to read this word,I was so astonished because I expected to receive a medal,I just want to say that prayers are being answered in great ways that are beyond our .understanding,thanks Mother Mary,please pray ,I believe you be blessed to.

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Thankyou Jesus & Mamma for taking H and mom to O without any hassles of any kind...and that you are there now taking care of all details asking Jesus to make a way for my girls to accomodate H during those tough June days by finding a reasonable good safe rented room for him to live in close by to them. Jesus you have never failed us when we called on you and I know this time too you are there doing the needful. Mamma you have always been our Mother & Mamma..now too you are there praying to Jesus to help the girls to organise all this and to set them free from all the stress and strain they are going thru bec of all this pressure and that they will be succesful soon in this matter bec Jesus and Mamma are with them..organising all this favourably for them. Thanks Jesus and Mamma for our past our present and our future, for being with the girls right now too. Amen

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Dearest Jesus and Mamma..thankyou for the cataract operation of my mother's left eye going on well...i trust you will bless her with a speedy recovery. Also I trust the second operation to be done soon of her right eye will be successfull and speedily recovered...thanks for all that has happened till date in our lives...for all that is happening for us in the present and in the future.....I know there is a big list which i daily place at your feet and I know you will not send me away empty....your word will bring to pass everything for our welfare and happiness and for the greater glory of God. Jesus and Mamma please pray for us and bless us...send us your abundant choicest blessings and keep us always close to you both....save our souls and let us be blessed with God's love joy peace happiness good health and every blessing, Thanks to you both Jesus and Mother for our past for our present for our future. Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma Thankyou for the ration document work that was done today and I trust you have blessed this action and all will be well in this connection. I also trust that you are working on all our intentions situations hearts desires difficulties and problems ...for our welfare and happiness and for the greater glory of God and soon we will experience and see the abundant blessings for us in each one of them. Thankyou Jesus and Mamma for being with us always...never leave us....carry us in your loving caring arms and embrace. Alleluia Thanks to you both Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma I thank you both for the many many favours that have been granted to me my husband my children my grandchildren my mother and all our family members and friends in 2013 and for all the blessings in 2014 that are yet to be...An advance thankyou to you both. Be our Mother always...Jesus carry us in your powerful holy arms always. Keep us safe in your care Jesus and Mamma. Soak us in your precious blood always Jesus and Mamma you wrap us in your blue mantle always. Save our souls and keep us safe in your arms.Thanks once again for the blessings in 2013 and for the blessings of 2014. Thanks for our present Thanks for our future. Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma, I thank you for being with my child yesterday at the court case...all that is happening and yet to happen I trust will be for her welfare and happiness...her good present her good future her good health and blessings galore for her in her life from now on. I thankyou for I know you will not fail us in anything. You alone know why all this is happening...you alone know how to handle it all in your divine way and plan for my child's sorrows to turn into joy, mourning into dancing, pains into gains, illhealth into good health and tears into laughter. I praise and thank God for being so awesome and almighty..trusting that the best wine will be given to her just as was done in Cana by you Jesus when your Mamma whispered to You. Mamma your blue mantle around my girl is wrapped and you are her Mother always...her Mamma....you are praying for her Mamma and she is in your strong embrace. Jesus I trust you will never fail your Mother and will never fail to hear and answer our prayers for our child's good. You have said Trust in Me and I will never fail you....so trusting in You Lord I praise and thank you in advance for the best that is yet to come for my child. Alleluia Amen.

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Dearest Jesus & Mother Mary, Thankyou for making the impossible possible and granting the municipal birth certificate for my nephew. There seemed to be no clue at all and it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. But you handed this needed birth certificate into our hands Lord with the right details as required. Thanks to our Mamma Mary, also thanks to St.Jude, St.Anthony, St.Theresa for praying for this intention. All things are possible with God. Whatever we ask in the powerful and holy Name of Jesus will be ours. All Glory and Praise to the Lord Almighty for his marvellous deeds for us. Amen

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Thankyou Dearest Jesus & Mamma for making it possible for me and my husband to visit the holy shrine and also visit the wonder of the world during our recent trip. Thankyou for the good weather, good health & all the blessings. I trust that we will experience God's blessings in abundance & all our intentions will turn into joys, gains, laughter, good health, and dancing for us. All things are possible for our great big wonderful God. Mamma please interceed for the best wine for us as you did at Cana. Jesus never fails to hear and answer your prayers for us. Thanks Jesus Thanks Mamma. We trust in you always. Amen.

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma There have been numerous situations and intentions when you both have taken charge and worked in them for our favour and good. Right now too you already are aware of all that has yet to be blessed for us and become ours thru you. Keep us all close to you and work in our lives and situations and intentions for God's greater glory to be seen and for our good....and so in advance I praise and thank you for the blessings that are yet to be ours because they will come thru for us a hundredfold and more at your perfect time Jesus. Mamma you are our Mother and Queen...and will always be so....we know you will never forsake us....Jesus will never forsake us. We trust in you and thankyou now and always. Amen

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Thankyou dearest Jesus & Mamma Mary for my daughter passing her driving test today. Thankyou for being with her even though she was nervous and making her get thru with good results. I know you will now onwards organise the car and the insurance and all that has to be done in this situation...the funds the everything. You have plans for her welfare and not for her harm...a future full of hope....and so everything is in your control and care and you will open your special doors for her to walk thru in each situation and intention. Alleluia Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma..thankyou for the pension amount due to my husband which has been credited to his bank account. This amt was long overdue. I know that you both are with us always..and with you come all the saints and angels too who pray for us. Abba Father Jesus Lord Holy Spirit our Consoler we trust in you. Mamma Mary be our Mother always. Amen

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Dearest Mamma I want to thank for your all the blessings received by me and my family throughout the whole of last year since your Birthday on 8th September 2012. Yes Mamma the 9 days Novena has started from today 30th Aug and ends on 7th Sept....and blessings will be ours as a birthday present from you to us. Yes Mamma I want to thank you in advance for all our sorrows that will be turned into joy thru your powerful prayers for us to Your Son Jesus whose Name is all powerful and holy and whatever You and we ask in His Name Jesus will be given to us. Alleluia Amen to Jesus and Mamma Mary.

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma I thank for you hearing my prayer and granting my mother the money that was due to her. I trust you will work favourably in all her situations and grant her blessings of good health, her timely return to here, her document timely received with all the details right and proper, all other situations and intentions regarding my mother taken care of by you both. Jesus and Mamma I thank and trust you both. I know you never fail us. Also I trust that you both will hear and answer all her prayers to you. Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma I thank you for the good vacation my children & grandchildren had recently. Although it looked tough to happen, you were both there to make this possible. All praises & thanks to you both. Please continue blessing them with good health, their intentions & needs being blessed & granted to them for their welfare & good. Please let all their sorrows be turned into joy, and let God's glory be seen in their lives & their situations & their intentions & their hearts desires being granted and all their plans succeeding bec you have said this Lord and Your Word is true. All glory and praise to You. Jesus and Mamma, my children & grandchildren are soaked in the Precious Blood of Jesus & wrapped in the Blue Mantle of Mamma...and I am very sure that they are in your special care and tight embrace and no evil will touch them, their enemies & persecutors will be failed & defeated & put to shame and they will be just like David who was the favoured one against Goliath because You Lord was with David and are now You are with my children, grandchildren and us. You have always been there with us thru our darkest moments, difficult times in the past.... and even now as they and we hope in the Lord's favour & good for us...we trust that you both Jesus & Mamma are with us and will see us thru it all working for our welfare & happiness & for God's Greater Glory. For nothing is impossible with our Almighty Powerful Holy God. Jesus Lord in your powerful holy Name I make this prayer believing that Mamma too is praying for us and You will never fail her or us. You will never abandon us. You are with us strong and mighty and our persecutors our enemies will fail and be defeated. These Egptians in our lives we will never see them again forever. Yes Lord these are your very powerful Words. I truely believe that your Words never return unaccomplished and soon we are going to experience Your Words in our lives & situations & intentions & hearts desires as you make them come to pass favourably for us. Thanks Jesus and Mamma for all our past our present and our future. We place all our trust and confidence in You.Amen

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Dearest Jesus and Mamma Thankyou for the good weather and the lovely time my daughter and her child had together yesterday 9th July. Yes You were there with them to make this a blessingsfilled day. Thankyou for everything that has been done till now and for all that is going to be done for my girl and her children from now on...for You are with them Lord to take care of everything with your favour....strong and mighty and all my girl's persecutors will fail and be defeated and they will be shamed bec they will not succeed in all their wicked plans and plots and ways. Jesus in your Name there is power and I know that all that I asked in your Name Jesus was done yest thru this blessing of good weather and enjoyable day. And now too I know in your powerful and holy Name there is stong power and You will bless my girl with all the desires of her heart and make all her plans succeed..She will be the head not the tail. Your glory will be seen in her life and all her situations nd all judgements passed favourably for her. She tied up with unbreakable cords with her kids and You Lord and Mamma and all the angels and saints and all of us in the family. Every tough situation will be handled by you Lord by levelling mountains for her, breaking bronze doors, cutting thru iron bars, making pathways in the wilderness and rivers in the desert and your favour being on my girl and her children always in everything for my child's welfare and happiness and good oresent & good future. Thankyou Lord for the being her Lord Master King Judge Financer Employer her Landlord-Landlady her Everything. Alelluia Amen

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Thanks Jesus & Mamma for bringing in the imp document inspite of all the odds...I know you will organise the signature tomorrow & without any hassles of any kind, the payment from April 2013 will start favourably for my mom. And we will see your blessings and glory in these situations and in everything concerning mom and each one of us her family. Jesus soak us in your precious blood always, keep us free from satan's attacks & afflictions, sickness&pain, sin & temptations, fear & anxiety, stresses & strain and all that is not of your kingdom. Mamma wrap us in your blue mantle always. Jesus be forever our Lord Master King Saviour God & our Everything. Mamma be our Mother always. Let your kingdom come into our lives your will be done Lord. It will always be the best for us...best for our present... best for our future...just as you have taken care of our past. Alleluia Amen

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Name: Gerard Mcarthur


Dear Heavenly Mother You have begun to shower graces on me the peace of mind You are now allowing me with regard to my petitions is truly miraculous I love You

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Thankyou Jesus & Mamma for making it possible for my child to visit her family alongwith her kids inspite of all the horrible situations and barriers put forth before her. I know the Lord is with her strong and mighty and HE will fail and defeat all her enemies and persecutors and we will witness all my child's sorrows turning into joys. for the Lord Jesus can do everything for her and us...and Mamma you are praying for her and us....and always will be our Mamma. Thanks to you Jesus and Mamma for being with us always and for being our Everything. Amen

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Thankyou for the time spent together by my daughter and grandchild. Thankyou for the good weather. Thankyou Jesus and Mamma for everything. I know all the thorns that are there in the way will be turned into roses for my girl and blessings and joys will be hers. Jesus you are the God of the Impossible...Mamma you are our Mother and always will be our Mamma. Jesus I make this prayer in your powerful and precious Name and thru the intercession of Mother Mary. Thanks to you both Jesus and Mamma. Amen

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Name: Ozoume Afam Moses


This happened When I was ten years old. One faithful Saturday, we just got back from catechism, myself and my younger brother, we were playing inside our compound, suddenly my dad came out and asked us to go outside and play that we were making noise. When we got outside another friend of our's joined us. We went into one burnt building in our street, in that building there is a deep well with alot of thorns and water, the walls of the well is too short that it is not up to my knees, so as we were playing I ran close to the well and my younger brother chased me immediately I got close to the well I stoped, suddenly he pushed me, with my back facing the well I fell. Somthing surprising happened, immediately my foot left the soil I was unconscious, after some minutes inside the well I opened my eyes and saw that I was seating in a well with water almost at my throat, I looked up everywhere was getting dark, immediately I stood up it was like somthing got into me and a young boy of ten year started coming out of a deep well. When I got out I saw people coming close to the well and not knowing that I have an injury besides my right eye, somebody from my compound shouted that I should be rushed to the hospital, I only thought it was tears running down my eyes, I never knew it was blood. My miraculous medal was still hanging round my neck, I was taken to the hospital and the wound was stitched, there was no pain, no fracture, apart from the scar which serve as a reminder. It is over fifteen years now but that little scar beside my eyes keep reminding me of the great miracle of the miraculous medal. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee! My medal is still round my neck and I can't keep mentioning the many graces I have received ever since then!

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Thankyou dearest Jesus & Mamma Mary for the payment cheque received by my daughter..which was due to her. I trust that you are both with her always and in everything. Mamma wrap her in your blue protective mantle always and be her Mother. Jesus keep her soaked in your precious powerful blood, place in her your divine mercy ark and in your heart and divine wounds always....keep her safe in your care Lord. Thanks Jesus and Mamma Mary for all the blessings received so far and all the blessings yet to be received by this my child. Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma Thankyou for the procedures of my eyes that went well and I trust you both will give me good health always. Thankyou for the past the present and the future. For being with me and my family. I trust that all our tough situations will turn into joyous blessings for us because You are with us always...Jesus with us strong and mighty & our persecutors will fail. Jesus never fails us.....Jesus always listens to His Dearest Mamma Mary. Thankyou Jesus & Mamma. Amen

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Name: Anusha Moodley


Thank you Mamma that my son Cohen is back at school.

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Name: Anusha Moodley


I thank our Lady of the Miraculous medal for prayers answered for my son Cohen, back at school and feeling so much better. God Bless

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Thankyou Dearest Jesus & Mamma for the Certificate that has come for my mother today....the impossible task that was accomplished because you organised all this for me on 28th March 2013. Praise & Thanks to the Holy Trinity, Thanks Dearest Mother Mary, All Angels & Saints for being with me & in this situation and although it was something unheard of and deemed as impossible..nothing is impossible for our God who does all things for us and we can see His Glory in our lives & all our situations. Alleluia Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma, thankyou for the good convenient rented apt my child has acquired and I trust You both will be there with the Father & Holy Spirit All Angels & Saints taking care of her & her children in this new apt. I know all things are possible for you Lord. Mamma I know you are their and our Divine Mother & will be with them always. Also in all my child's intentions situations, her present her future you alongwith the Holy Trinity and all the Angels and Saints will be there with her and her children in everything always. God's favour will be on her always in everything. I trust in You and praise and thank you in advance for all the blessings that will be showered on her and her children & God's glory that will be manifested in their lives and their situations. They are soaked in the Precious Blood of Jesus and wrapped in the Blue Mantle of Mamma Mary. Thankyou. Alleluia Amen

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Thankyou dearest Jesus & Mamma Mary for the new house you have blessed my brother & his family with. Thankyou for all their past their present and their future. I know You both are there with them in everything always. Alleluia Amen

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Dearest Mamma & Jesus Thankyou for the sale of the house of my child. Timely you have done it for her and I know your blessings filled hand of favour is on her in everything always. You will see her thru everyday being her divine provider, divine employer, divine financer, divine healer, divine protector, divine defender, divine everything for her. Jesus I trust in you. Mamma I trust in you. I make this prayer in the Mighty Powerful Name of Jesus believing & trusting that God's glory will be seen in my child's life & in all her situations, and all her sorrows will turn into joy. The Lord will work miracles in her favour just as He did in her house sale. Jesus & Mamma never fail us. Amen.

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma Thankyou for the house sale of my child. I trust that you will also organise the needed repairs of that instrument that has to be done soon. I also thank and praise you Jesus & Mamma in advance for being there with her always in everything even though the path looks tough & rough...you will not fail her in anything....I know you will be her divine everything - her provider - her landlord/landlady - her fulltime permanent job employer - her financer - her judge & lawyer - her healer - her deliverer - her husband - turning all her sorrows into joy and blessings. Lord Jesus & Mamma Mary she has been placed in your hands right from the time of conception...she has always been yours in the past and even now and also inthe future you are carrying her in your embrace & arms. I also trust that she will get the total custody of her children & every detail being taken care of by you regarding her children being with her now and always. Thankyou Jesus & Mamma in advance for all these blessings and more. I have made this prayer trusting in your word John 14:14 that whatever I have asked for in your Name Jesus will be mine..and Mamma you are her Mamma and my Mamma and with us always. Amen

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Thankyou Dearest Jesus & Mamma for successfully completing the house sale of my mom even though it was a rough and tough journey. I trust that whatever things have yet to be done in this matter will be taken care of by you both and that it will be smooth sailing in this matter and we will all see the Glory of God in it. Thankyou for you both being with me, walking with me, taking care of me, sending angels to help me, everything that had to be done being done for me. The God of the Impossible you proved yourself Lord for me in this matter as well as in all past matters....and you both will always be my Supremo God and my Mamma now and forever and ever Amen.

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma. Thankyou for being with my child thru all that is happening now and thru all these years...and I am very sure that you both will carry her thru it all victoriously. You have already won the battle on Your Cross Lord Jesus, the victory belongs to my child. Jesus in your Name I asked you for so many blessings for this child and you have always heard and answered this mother's prayer put forth also thru your Mother....many impossible blessings were granted to her. And now once again Jesus & Mamma Mary I know you are both there for my child and with my child....and God's favour and blessings are on her in everything and we will soon see Gods greater glory in her life and in all her situations. Thankyou in advance for your joy peace love coming into her life from now on. In Jesus Name I make this prayer. Thankyou Jesus & Mamma for every blessing for my child. Amen

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Thankyou Mamma for all that has happened till today re the sale of Mums house. I know you and Jesus are there with me & will make sure that the light of day is seen soon with everything going rightly and favourrably for my mother re the sale, the taxation, the funds received, her LC and PP documents and everything concerning her. Jesus your favour is upon my mother and us in everything I am very sure. And Mamma you are there spreading your blue mantle of protection over us to keep us safe and secure in everything for our good and for the greater glory of God and praying for us always. Thankyou dearest Jesus and Mamma Mary for our present and our future...thankyou for being with us in our past too. Amen

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Dearest Jesus & Mamma thankyou for saving me on 25th Feb from falling into that deep ditch which could have been turned into my grave. Thankyou for the timely phone call which stopped me from taking that fatal step in that dark area into that deep ditch and saved me from bad accident / injuries / sure death maybe too. Thankyou Jesus for your precious blood in which me and my family are soaked daily, thankyou Mamma for wrapping me and my family in your blue mantle everyday. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou for saving me in the nick of time. Amen

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Dearest Mamma I want to thank you & Jesus for the security of my job. Even though so many lost their jobs, I was continued and you know this is a needed job for me. Please give me good health and let me continue with your blessings to walk in the Lords ways always. Thankyou once again Jesus for being my Divine Employer & thankyou Mamma Mary for being with me and praying for me. Jesus Never Fails to hear and answer your prayers for us. Amen

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Dearest Mamma & Jesus I thank you for the work of the upstairs flat that was done to get us out of the grave danger. I know that whatever is done and being done there will be for our good bec you both are alive in our lives & taking care of us. I know that without you both life would have been different..but with you always with us & the strong faith we have in you both...it is taking us thru each and every difficult tough situation and intention as we know Jesus Never Fails...His Word Never goes back unaccomplished.....He can do all things for us......He does all things for our favour and good because He loves and cares for us. He is with us strong & mighty, our persecutors will fail......You are there to protect pray bless us and be our Mother Mamma always. Thankyou Thankyou my Dearest Jesus & Mamma. We trust in you both. Amen

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Thankyou Dearest Jesus & Mamma Mary for being with me and my husband on 27th Dec when we had that big big problem at our house bec of the work going on in our upstairs neighbours house. I trust that it was you both who saved me then...and also sent angels to help us...and now working on in this difficult hopeless situation of ours to work it out for our welfare and happiness. Thankyou my Lord and God...thankyou my Mamma Mary. I look forward to you being with me my husband and every member of our family each moment from now on...ending 2012...and whole of 2013 and the future. Big Big Thanks to You Both Jesus and Mamma Mary.

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Dearest Mamma, Right now I want to thankyou for being with us throughout 2012 and also for being there with us all the years in the past as our Mother, our Protectress, our Queen, Our Everything. I trust that the very special important intention I have asked for from Jesus to happen by 31st Dec 2012 will be blessed and granted by Him thru your prayers for us as a miracle. This is a very imp and urgent intention you know Mamma. I thankyou and Jesus in advance for this miracle blessing. Mamma this coming New Year 2013 which is only a few days away...please be with us every moment alongwith the Holy Trinity All Angels & All Saints blessing 2013 for our welfare and happiness and we want to see God's greater glory for us in everything in 2013. Mamma I just trust in you and dont know how to thank you for all the graces blessings etc etc received till now and those that will be received from now on too. Mamma hold us tightly in your arms and save all our souls. Always keep us close to You & Jesus, close to Abba Father & Holy Spirit, close to All the Angels & Saints. Crush the evil one and let him be totally out from our souls, our lives, our families, our marriages, our relationships, our health, our finances, our jobs, our properties, our whole household, our present, our future, our everything. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou my dearest Mamma Mary. Amen

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Name: sharon gordon


Dear. Mother, thank you for coming to me 3 times when I was on the Ngome pilgramage here in South-Africa. Thank you for making me recognise the way St. Catherine was called to the window. Thank you for the photograph which I took from the window that captured Your Image of The Miracle Medal. Thank you for the Express Novena of the 9 Memorare which works immediately when prayed with faith. Thankyou for so many graces which You have granted me and my family. I will always serve You and be of assistance to spreading Your medals and teaching your prayers. Amen

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Name: sharon gordon


I have received many graces from Our Lady. I buy and hand out many miracle medals. My nephew was attacted and stabbed in his heart. At the hospital, befor he went into theatre, I gave his mom. A miracle medal to place into his hand. While I theatre, he had a near death experience where he met his dad in Heaven. ( His dad is deceased) . His dad sent him back. Saying its not his time. The doctors could not understand how the knife curLed around his Heart. Everyone was stunned that he survived that attack. Thank you Mother Mary.

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Thankyou my Mother for being with me in so many difficult situations..and making ways for our success...I trust that in every intention and tough situation you are there even now & soon I will see God's glory in each and every intention regarding all my family. Mamma thankyou for being my Mother. Thankyou for this faith and trust I have in you and Jesus. Thankyou Mamma for our past...our present...our future. Amen

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Dearest Mamma Thankyou & Jesus for the safe delivery and healthy baby son to my sister's daughter-in-law even though the baby was overdue. Mamma bless the baby and his parents and all his family members always. Please also pray for each one. Thanks Mamma.

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Dearest Mamma & Jesus, I thank you for being with me on the 31st of Oct when I had to experience that dreadful situation with the water & electric board when I was about to leave home on short vacation. Thankyou for being with me, thankyou for sending the electrician at that hour too, thankyou for all the people who were present, thankyou for me making the trip as scheduled, thankyou for taking care of the house and also of me while I was away. I cannot thankyou enough. But I realise that you were with me then even though I have been late in acknowledging this. Thanks Mamma for being my Mother always. Thanks Jesus for being my God, my friend, my everything always. Amen

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Thankyou dearest Jesus, Mother Mary, St Anthony & St Jude for finding my gold chain which was lost. I trust that all our needs and intentions are being blessed and will be granted to me and my family for our welfare & happiness and for the Greater Glory of God. Alleluia Amen

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Thankyou Dearest Mamma for the recognition my girl got in her workplace & for the other additional jobs she is placed in. Please pray for her boss to give her a certificate & also place this in her personal file for her good future. Mamma continue blessing her with God's graces & blessings in everything concerning her. Jesus never fails to hear & answer your prayers Mamma. Thankyou in advance for all the blessings for her and us. Amen

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Dearest Mamma I really dont know when my prayers for my 3 children will be answered by Your Son Jesus but I know for sure you are my Mother and know exactly what I am going thru...you also will ask Jesus to bless all these intentions of mine and work them all out in His Own Divine Way & Plan for the good of my 3 children, their good present & good future and use these children for the greater glory of God. Mamma thru so many years you have blessed me..difficult situations but you were always there...you worked everything thru Jesus for my good....I look back and see how you were there with me then......now too Mamma in these tough times & situations I cry and come to you...you understand me...have time for me.....know what to ask of Jesus for my happiness and welfare and for my children to be blessed. Mamma I love you and trust you. Yes you are my Mamma. Thankyou dearest Mamma for being there with me and for me always.

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Thankyou dearest Mamma for being with both my girls and seeing to their welfare. Yes Mamma they have been placed in your hands when they were born, they have got their names after you, now you have to see that you are always with them as their Mamma and along with Jesus...take care of their present their future just as you have taken care of their past. Work everything out in the best manner for their welfare and happiness, their good present, their good future...... and also for the welfare and happiness of their parents that is us. Thanks Dearest Mamma. We love you. We trust you. Amen

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Dearest Mamma thankyou for my sister starting on her new job and for the scanned documents she has received. I trust the originals will come into her hand soon and they will all be favourable for her good present and good future. Thankyou Mamma for being with her and us always. Thankyou for being Mamma to us all. Wrap us all in your blue mantle...keep us close to Jesus and you. Amen

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Dearest Mamma thankyou for the work that is happening in the flat above us. So many years we have experienced problems. Now I trust the you & Jesus will be living upstairs and with us making sure all our problems have been donewith and gone forever. No more seepage no more leakage no more problems into our house from above flat. Mamma I want to thankyou and Jesus in advance for I trust this work is being done by the Divine Builder Jesus for us thru your powerful intercession. Thankyou for being our Mamma.

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Thankyou dear Mamma for the good retreat and for the healing that has been given to my left foot. Thankyou Mamma for being there always for us. Mamma I trust in you. Amen

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Thankyou Mamma for saving the child of Pritika and bringing this child safe into his parents arms. Thankyou for all that you are going to bless this child and his family with. I know you will lead them to Jesus some day. Amen

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Dearest Mamma Thankyou for the 9 days of Novena You have been taking me for in preparation of Your birthday on 8th September. I trust all my petitions placed in Your hands for Your powerful intercession are being blessed by You and placed in the Powerful Hands of Your Son Jesus..and He will work in them for our welfare & happiness good present and good future the way He thinks is good and best for me and all my family members. Amen.

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Dearest Mamma, you have been my Mother since ages...you have always been there to take care of me and every need and problem. I dont remember having thanked you enough Mother..and so now I want to say "Thankyou Mamma Mary for being my Mother, Mother of all my family members, for praying for me & my family, for graces & blessings received thru all these years, & for the graces & blessings that are going to be ours now in the present and in the future too. Nothing is difficult or impossible with Your Son Jesus, and He never fails to hear and answer Your prayers for us Mamma. Thankyou for being our Mamma always. Your Birthday coming up Mamma on 8th Sept. Hap-Hap-Happy Birthday to our Dearest Mamma Mary." Amen

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Thankyou Mamma for blessing my friend with a grand daughter. Thankyou for being there with the young couple and for all the blessings they have received. Keep them close to you always and give them the grace to Praise & Thank the Lord at all times. Mamma I trust you will save their souls and also the souls of every person in this world. You are the Mother of everyone...our Universal Mother. Thankyou Mamma Mary. Amen

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Thankyou Mamma for the weekend jobs my daughter has been able to get for the next few months ahead. Bless her with abundant financial blessings. Keep her always in your care, give her good health and every blessing for her welfare, happiness, good present & good future. Thankyou Mamma, be her Mother always.

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Thankyou Mamma for the admission you have given to my little girl. Please be with her and help her daily with her studies and other school activities. Let her always have good health, and always be with her keeping her close to you and Jesus. Also bless her little sister, her parents and pray for this whole family Mamma. Be the Queen of this family, surround them with all your Angels and Saints. Wrap them in your blue mantle Mamma. Thankyou for all these blessings in anticipation. Amen

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Thankyou Mamma for the jobs you have granted to my sister and brother to start in Sept. Wrap them in your blue mantle and be always with them and their families. Let everything go well for them always. Grant them job security, good salaries and good benefits, good bosses and good colleagues, wisdom in their work, good health, the Lord's favour on them in everything and everyone concerning them. Once again a Big Thankyou Mamma to you and Jesus for these blessings filled jobs for them. Amen

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Thankyou Jesus and Mother Mary for granting immigration to my mother. A candle had been lit for this intention. Also thankyou for the many favours that have been granted to us all thru these years. I trust that each candle lit will also bring blessings in all our hopeless difficult situations because Jesus never fails to listen to you our Dearest Mamma. Jesus is All Powerful & Mighty. He is Almighty & nothing is difficult or impossible for Him. In faith I trust blessings are already on the way for us & I will be sending testimonies here. Thankyou Mamma. Praise the Lord. Alleluia Amen.

>>> Please, don't forget to write your own testimony on graces received.



Praise the Lord.Thank you for all the Prayers you have offered up to the Almighty God on behalf of me.After I lit the candle , my friend with whom some kind of misunderstanding had take place started talking and God reconciled us once again to each other.My mummy's sugar dropped down to normal.

>>> Please, don't forget to write your own testimony on graces received.



Thank you as the Almighty God has reconciled me and my friend once again

>>> Please, don't forget to write your own testimony on graces received.

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