Oratory of the Miraculous Medal

56893 Total of Candles until now  
435 Burning at the moment  
306 Candles forever  

Young Austrians for a Christian Civilization

Gußhausstraße 10/19B

1040 Vienna - Austria

Phone: +43/1/504-6964-24

Fax: +43/1/504-6964-20

Bank informations


Bank address: Georg-Coch-Platz 2 - 1010 Vienna - Austria

Name of the account: Österreichische Jugend C.G.D.R.

Address of the Association: Gußhausstraße 10/19B - 1040 Vienna - Austria

Account number: 92 067 116

Code of the bank in Austria: 60 000

BIC (SWIFT): BAWAATWW - IBAN: AT 816 000 000 0 92 067 116

Association register number - ZVR: 131933357

Protection of Personal Data Registration Number in Austria - DVR: 1070258

Value Added Tax Identification Number - VAT: ATU 48 60 07 04

Chairman: Mathias von Gersdorff